Should I Sleep Train My Baby? 5 Reasons Why Some Parents Chose To Sleep Train

The Sleepy Cub Blog
4 min readMay 12, 2021

When it comes to healthy baby sleep habits, parents often wonder: “should I sleep train my baby or not?” See the top 5 reasons why some parents have decided to give it a go.

Do you have a baby that is still not sleeping well at night? A baby who fusses and cries?

If yes, then sleep training may be right for your family.

There are many reasons why some parents choose to sleep train their babies, but it can be difficult to decide if it’s right for you and your family.

In this blog post, we will discuss 5 reasons why some parents have decided to sleep train their babies so that you can learn more about the subject before making a decision!

Let’s dive in!

Negative sleep associations

Negative sleep associations are parents’ worst nightmare.

Just like adults, babies can develop both positive and negative sleep associations.

Positive associations help babies fall asleep on their own without any meddling from the parent, while negative sleep associations mean the baby is dependent on the parent to fall asleep.

For example, if the parent has been putting the baby to sleep by rocking or feeding him/her, the baby will learn to associate that parent’s particular action with going to sleep.

If your baby wakes up at night, he/she won’t be able to figure out how to get back to sleep without his/her parent’s help.

The next time you ask yourself, “should I sleep train by baby,” keep this in mind:

Sleep training helps break negative associations by teaching your child how to fall asleep independently in the crib through simplified steps.

Sleep deprivation

This is the most common reason why parents sleep train their baby.

Sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on the parent, the child, and even other children in the family. For instance, your older child may not be getting as much attention because mom or dad may be tired all day from being awake with the crying baby at night.

What’s more, the side effects of sleep deprivation are more than just a tired body. Not getting sufficient sleep can affect the way a person thinks and copes.

Many parents may find it difficult to focus when they aren’t getting enough sleep — which can be a major problem if you’re a working parent.

Even worse, babies who are not sleeping well at night may be crankier during the day, which can cause tension in the family.

In short, sleep training gives parents a break from being up at all hours of the night trying to get their baby back to sleep.

Prolonged bedtime routines

Long bedtime routines are often a source of anxiety for parents.

Some parents have other children at home that need attention throughout the day and night. But instead of tending to both of their children’s needs, parents find themselves spending more time consoling one child and neglecting the other.

This leaves them feeling guilty about neglecting or ignoring the needs of their other child, which is common for moms who work outside of the house full-time.

In addition to tending to their other child’s needs, parents often struggle to fulfill other essential activities — like wash the dishes, socialize, or spend time with their partner.

Sleep training helps break these associations by teaching the child how to fall asleep independently in his/her crib through simplified steps.


This is another reason why parents chose to sleep train.

Due to not sleeping well at night, many babies become overtired — which can be even more difficult for parents.

Overtired babies are cranky, fussy, and more prone to meltdowns. They have a harder time falling asleep, take only short naps, and wake up more often throughout the night.

This makes them more tired which continues the overtired cycle. Not to mention that sleep training an overtired baby is quite challenging.

Marital problems

Having a baby who is constantly crying and waking up multiple times a night can cause marital problems.

These marital problems are often due to parents’ sleep deprivation that can produce deeply unpleasant feelings, such as depression, anger, and irritability.

One study found that people who are sleep-deprived tend to use more negative words. Another 2014 study concluded that couples who reported poor sleep also reported more marital conflict than those couples who got more hours of sleep.

If you’re still wondering, “should I sleep train my baby or not,” hear this:

Sleep training can transform an unhappy marriage into a happy marriage. By teaching the baby how to self-soothe and sleep through the night, parents can finally relax and spend quality time together to rekindle their love.

Key takeaways

Should I sleep train my baby or not?

I hope that this article has provided you with a better understanding of how to sleep train your baby and that you’re now ready to take the next step.

As an expert in this field and someone who’s had great success using these techniques myself, I recommend sleep training to all parents struggling with their child’s sleeping habits. Sleep training has been proven to help babies learn how to self-soothe on their own after a few weeks of consistent instruction from the parent.

Originally published at on May 12, 2021.



The Sleepy Cub Blog

Getting your child on a healthy sleep schedule. Personalized sleep training for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers.